As the community assessment coordinator, Erin works with county health departments and community partners and stakeholders to gather, measure and interpret primary and secondary data on health factors and outcomes. She has a research background in maternal & child heath and intimate partner violence prevention, with specific interest in access to care, the social factors of health and improving maternal care. In her free time, Erin is a birth doula serving families around the Triangle, and enjoys playing piano and gardening.
University sexual violence policies: Associations with prevalence of campus sexual violence and student use and perceptions of university sexual violence services. DeLong, S. M., Graham, L. M., Magee, E. P., Kupper, L. Macy, R. J., Ashley, O. S., Pettifor, A., Moracco, K. E., Martin, S. L. Treves-Kagan, S., Gray, C.L., McClay, A. M., Zarnick, S. M., (2018). Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Sexual assault policies and consent definitions: A nationally representative investigation of United States colleges and universities. Graham, L. M., Treves-Kagan, S., Magee, E. P., DeLong, S. M., Ashley, O. S., Macy, R. J., Martin, S. L., Moracco, K. E., & Bowling, J. M. (2017). Journal of School Violence, 3.
Young Mothers' and Fathers' perceptions of Relationship Violence: A Focus Group Study. Herrman, J. W., Palen, L., Kan, M., Feinberg, M., Hill, J., Magee, E., Haigh, K. (2018). Violence Against Women, 25(3).