Bahjat Qaqish, PhD
Dr. Bahjat Qaqish has been a professor in the Department of Biostatistics at UNC since 1990.
He is a member of the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, where he is part of the Protocol Review Committee. He has been involved in the design and analysis of studies spanning basic science, clinical and epidemiologic studies and intervention trials. He has received research funding on grants as PI and as director of Biostatistics and Data Cores.
Dr. Qaqish has a broad background in biostatistics, with expertise in longitudinal and categorical data, clinical trials and statistical computing, with strong, established collaborations with several investigators in UNC's School of Medicine. His expertise in longitudinal and multivariate data analysis is particularly relevant.
Bahjat Qaqish in the Gillings News
Honors and Awards
Jean I. Widger Distinguished Author Award
2010, American Society of Radiologic Technologists
Junior Faculty Development Award
1992, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Coauthor of a paper read before the Royal Statistical Society
1988, Delta Omega
Student Recognition Award
1988, The Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health
Teaching Interests
Longitudinal Data Analysis (BIOS 767): Spring 2013, Spring 2014
Statistical Computing (BIOS 735): Fall 2013
Probability and statistical inference II (Bios 661): Spring 2011
Introduction to statistical computing in SAS and R: Summer 2011.
Research Activities
Research interestsCancer
Clinical trials
Environment (general)
Global health
Health care delivery
Research activities
Generalized Linear Models, Correlated Discrete Data, Survival Analysis, Statistical Computing, Statistical Methods in Epidemiology
Service Activities
Member of Protocol Review Committee, The Lineberger Cancer Center, 1995– present
Member of Clinical Cancer Program Advisory Committee, The Lineberger Cancer Center, 1990–present
Reviewer for the University Research Council, 2000–2001
Developed a series of five lectures on Introductory Biostatistics for fellows at the Lineberger Clinical Cancer Center. The series was given in 1995.
Developed an overview lecture on Survival Analysis for participants in the Clinical Scholars Program in the Medical School. This lecture was given four times; in 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996.
Developed an overview lecture on Biostatistics for participants in the Cancer Education Program summer internship. This lecture was given in 1994.
Deputy Director of the Biostatistics Core Facility, Lineberger Cancer Center, 1990–1995
Member of Data Processing Committee, The Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, 1988–1989
Associate Editor for Epidemiology and Statistics, The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2005–2007
Associate Editor, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2005– 2006
Refereeing of journal articles for many journals including:
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Journal of the American Statistical Association
Statistics in Medicine
The American Journal of Epidemiology
The American Statistician
The Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
The Canadian Journal of Statistics
Journal of Investigative Dermatology
Member of Johns Hopkins Biostatistics Alumni Advisory Council (1993)
Reviewer for The National Institutes of Health Study Section, Visual Sciences A-1 (1991)
Key Publications
Facilitators of transforming primary care: a look under the hood at practice leadership. Donahue, K. E., Halladay, J. R., Wise, A., Reiter, K., Lee, S. D., Ward, K., Mitchell, M., Qaqish, B (2013). Annals of Family Medicine, 11(S1), 27-33.
Orthogonalized residuals for estimation of marginally-specified association parameters in multivariate binary data. Qaqish, B. F., Zink, R. C., Preisser, J. S (2012). The Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 39.
Group testing for case identification with correlated responses. Lendle, S. D., Hudgens, M. G., Qaqish, B. F. (2012). Biometrics, 68.
Translating research into practice: the role of provider based research networks in the diffusion of an evidence-based colon cancer treatment innovation. Carpenter, W. R., Meyer, A.M., Wu, Y., Qaqish, B. F., Sanoff, H.K., Goldberg, R. M., Weiner B. J. (2012). Medical Care, 50.
Optimality, sample size and power calculations for the sequential parallel comparison design. Ivanova, A., Qaqish, B. F., Schoenfeld, D. (2011). Statistics in Medicine, 30.
Staff/Administrative Duties
Chair of the Biostatistics Masters Examinations Committee, 2009–present
Member of the Biostatistics Doctoral Examinations Committee, 2003–present
Member of the Biostatistics Information Technology Committee, 1990–present
Chairman of the Barry H. Margolin Memorial Committee. The memorial service took place on March 3, 2010.
Member of the Faculty Search Committee, 1991–1995
Member of the Examinations Committee, Department of Biostatistics, 1990–2002
Member of the Student Support Committee, Department of Biostatistics, 1990–1997
Member of the Information Technology Advisory Committee, Department of Biostatistics, 1990–1991
Chair of Seminar Committee, 1994–1996
PhD Curriculum Review Committee, 1995–2000
- PhD, Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University, 1990
- MD, Medicine, Jordan University Medical School, 1980