Anthony Charles frequently serves as mentor and master's paper reader for MD-MPH students, especially those conducting trauma-related research projects. Dr. Charles also directs the Malawi Surgical initiative, which collects data on many aspects of health and healthcare in that region of Africa.
Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh
Medical Student Research Award
2018, UNC Academy of Educators Excellence in Teaching
Best Application Course Phase Award- Hospital
2017-2018, Interventional and Surgical Care
Best Application Course Phase Award- Hospital
2016-2017, Interventional and Surgical Care
Best Application Course Phase Award- Hospital
2015-2016, Interventional and Surgical Care
Racial and ethnic disparities in withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment after non-head injury trauma. Williams BM, Schneider A, Gallaher J, Charles A (1970). Am J Surg, S0002 9610(21), 00466-9.6.
Characteristics and predictors of mortality in-hospital mortality following burn injury in infants in a resource-limited setting. Purcell LN, Banda W, Akinkuotu A, Phillips M, Hayes-Jordan A, Charles A (1970). Burns, S0305-4179(21), 00174-1.
Elderly trauma mortality in a resource-limited setting: A benchmark for process improvement. Williams BM, Kayange L, Purcell L, Charles A, Gallaher J (1970). Injury, 9645.
Are Surgeons Enough? The Relationship between Increasing Surgical Demand and Access to Surgery in a Resource-Limited Environment. Gallaher J, Kayange L, Purcell LN, Reid T, Charles A (1970). J Surg Res, 267.
The Impact of General Surgeons on Pediatric Surgical Practice in North Carolina: The Reality of Pediatric Surgical Care Delivery. Purcell LN, Charles AG, Ricketts T, Akinkuotu A, McLean SE, Hayes-Jordan A, Phillips MR (1970). Ann Surg.