Andrew B. Nobel, PhD
Andrew B. Nobel is Robert Paul Ziff Distinguished Professor of Statistics and Operations Research and Professor of Biostatistics at UNC Chapel Hill. He is a member of the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Computational Medicine Program in the UNC School of Medicine. His research spans statistical methodology, theory, and applications, with an emphasis on statistical genomics, machine learning, and network analysis. Dr. Nobel has long-standing interactions with researchers at the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, and has collaborated with faculty from a number of departments at UNC, including Biology, Computer Science, Genetics, and Mathematics.
Honors and Awards
Elected Fellow
2008, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Lucent Distinguished Lecturer
2002, EECS Department, University of Michigan
Faculty Early Career Development CAREER Grant
1995, National Science Foundation
Beckman Institute Fellow
1992-1995, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
PhD Fellow
1988, IBM
Graduate Fellow
1985-1988, National Science Foundation
Churchill Scholar
1985-1986, Cambridge University
Teaching Interests
Dr. Nobel has taught a number of courses at UNC, including a first year seminar on data analysis, undergraduate courses on discrete mathematics, probability, and machine learning, and graduate courses on theoretical statistics, advanced inference, and machine learning.
Research Activities
Statistical genomics
Machine learning
Network analysis and neuroscience
Inference from dynamical systems
Service Activities
Dr. Nobel is currently on the editorial board of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. He has previously served on the editorial boards of the Annals of Statistics, the Electronic Journal of Statistics, and the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
- PhD, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 1992
- MS, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 1988
- Certificate of Study, Mathematics, Cambridge University, 1986
- BS, Electrical Engineering, Cornell University, 1985