Ameena Batada, Dr.P.H., is a professor in the Health and Wellness Department at the University of North Carolina Asheville. Many years ago, as a rising senior in college, she conducted research to investigate the pre-school conditions in former Bantustan areas of the Northern Transvaal, South Africa. Since then Dr. Batada has been interested in improving child health and education, particularly among disenfranchised populations.
SPHG 712 Methods & Measures for Public Health Practice
Community Health Transformations
Place-Based Theory and Practice
Place-Based Research & Evaluation Methods
Utilizing a Data-to-Action approach to cultivate policy research and advocacy skills in community-engaged health promotion courses. Batada A., Thomas A.E., Holtz D. (In press) Pedagogy in Health Promotion.
Soft drinks and premiums with children's meals marketed on the websites of the top restaurant chains worldwide. Batada A. and Thomas A.E (2021). Public Health Nutrition, 24(11), 3437-3441.
Elementary physical education: Cost is personal and social. Chiang E.S., Rioridan K.M., Himelein M.J., Batada, A., Mulhollem, M.L., Padilla M.A (2020). Archives of Psychology, 4(3), 1-13.
Community leadership and participation to increase food access and quality: Notes from the field. Batada A. and Lewis O. (2018). Vanderbilt University Press.
Food cost is the least of my worries: A qualitative study exploring food and beverage purchasing decisions among parents enrolled in the WIC program. Solomon C., Batada A., Zillante A., Hudak K., Kennedy, A. & Racine E.F. (2018). Journal of Hunger and Environment.