Karl Umble

Karl Umble, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor
Department of Health Policy and Management
113 Rosenau Hall
CB #7411
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7411


Karl Umble has worked as a Health Educator with the Virginia Department of Health, where he trained field staff, designed programs, conducted evaluations, and wrote proposals.

While obtaining his PhD, he consulted in training evaluation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 1998, he joined UNC’s Gillings School of Global Public Health, where he planned and evaluated continuing education and distance learning programs. Since 2000 with the School’s North Carolina Institute for Public Health, Umble has played major roles in the Management Academy for Public Health, the National and Southeastern Public Health Leadership Institutes, the Caribbean Health Leadership Institute, and other programs.

Umble has conducted evaluations of the CDC’s Sustainable Management Development Program activities in the Philippines and Vietnam, and of continuing education programs offered by the Atlanta-based Public Health Informatics Institute.

Umble is now an Associate Professor in the School’s Department of Health Policy and Management, where he directed the Bachelor of Science in Public Health Program from 2014-2019 and teaches Senior Capstone and Senior Honors Thesis for BSPH undergrads. He also teaches Program Evaluation and Training and Workforce Development for Executive DrPH students, and the Seminar in Teaching Health Policy and Management for PhD students. He also conducts evaluation with the National MCH Workforce Development Center.

His main interests are continuing professional education, program design and evaluation, and management and leadership development in public health.

Umble is a member of the American Evaluation Association.

Honors and Awards

Tanner Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
2015, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Innovative Teaching Award from the Department of Health Policy and Management, Department of Health Policy and Management, Gillings School of Global Public Health
2014, UNC-CH

Undergraduate Teaching Award from the Student Undergraduate Teaching and Staff Awards Committee at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2014, UNC-CH

Balderson Award for Support of Public Health Leadership Development
2007, National Public Health Leadership Development Network

Provost Award for Outstanding Service to North Carolinians
2004, North Carolina Institute for Public Health

University Assistantship (Merit)
1993-1997, University of Georgia

Scholarship Award
1995, Georgia Adult Education Association

Representative Courses

HPM 691H and 692H – Independent Honors Research

HPM 697 – BSPH Capstone

HPM 871 - Seminar in Teaching Health Policy and Management

HPM 963 - Program Evaluation for Health Leaders

Key Publications

An evaluation of the National Public Health Leadership Institute--1991-2006: part I. Developing individual leaders. E Baker, K Umble, C Woltring (2011). Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP, 17(3), 202-13.

An evaluation of the National Public Health Leadership Institute--1991-2006: part II. Strengthening public health leadership networks, systems, and infrastructure. E Baker, S Diehl, S Frederick, S Haws, D Steffen, K Umble, C Woltring (2011). Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP, 17(3), 214-24.

Management training in Vietnam's National Tuberculosis Program: an impact evaluation. J Brooks, N Huong, M Iademarco, K Laserson, A Lowman, M Malison, K Umble (2009). The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 13(2), 238-46.

Evaluating the impact of the Management Academy for Public Health: developing entrepreneurial managers and organizations. S Orton, J Ottoson, B Rosen, K Umble (2006). Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP, 12(5), 436-45.

Effects of traditional classroom and distance continuing education: a theory-driven evaluation of a vaccine-preventable diseases course. W Atkinson, R Cervero, K Umble, B Yang (2000). American journal of public health, 90(8), 1218-24.


  • BS, Biology and Chemistry, Juniata College, 1982
  • MPH, Health Behavior and Education , University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1987
  • PhD, Adult Education , The University of Georgia, 1998