Super Storm Sandy hits the Jersey Shore

Super Storm Sandy hits the Jersey Shore

WebinarWebinar Highlights


Resources contributed by webinar guests

Reports and Academic Literature

  • “A Stronger, More Resilient New York”. Chapter 1: Sandy and its Impacts. NYC Special Initiative for Rebuilding and Resiliency
    This work is the result of input from professionals across the public health biosurveillance field who generously contributed their time and expertise to meetings, phone calls, and workshops to produce this guidance for their colleagues. The report lists “core” information needed to effectively manage the public health aspects of an event such as an outbreak, a natural disaster, or a mass gathering. It also describes guiding principles and system capabilities that assure surveillance information systems meet relevant standards, while addressing the need for flexibility to adapt to unique and changing circumstances. The report was prepared by staff at the North Carolina Institute for Public Health at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health and its subcontractor, Public Health Informatics Institute.
