NC prisons study finds better, safer outcomes with diversion program for mental, behavioral health

October 29, 2021
Researchers found that people experiencing incarceration in North Carolina who were assigned to a therapeutic diversion unit instead of restrictive housing were at least three times less likely to commit further infractions, harm themselves or require inpatient mental health treatment.

New research sheds light on microbial link between gut and brain in mammals

October 20, 2021
Microbes in the mammalian gut appear to play a major factor in the landscape of chemical processes in the body and may influence communication between the gut and the brain, according to new research from the lab of Dr. Kun Lu.

Takhona Hlatshwako named Carolina’s 52nd Rhodes Scholar

October 19, 2021
Takhona Hlatshwako has been named UNC-Chapel Hill's 52nd Rhodes Scholar, one of the oldest and most prestigious international scholarship honors. Scholars are selected based on academic excellence, character, leadership and commitment to service.

Multiple-drug involvement in overdose deaths has risen in NC

October 14, 2021
Between 2015 and 2019, North Carolina saw an increase in overdose deaths that involved multiple drugs, highlighting the rapidly changing nature of drug overdoses in the state.

Gillings students propose framework for addressing health disparities in US maternal mortality

October 1, 2021
Five students in the Population Health for Clinicians concentration collaborated on a publication that creates a model for understanding and addressing determinants that contribute to maternal mortality in the United States.

UNC-Chapel Hill Peer Support Core reflects on impact of inaugural year

September 30, 2021
September marks the one-year anniversary of the launch of the UNC-Chapel Hill Peer Support Core, an organization charged with “increasing resources for programs focused on peer-to-peer support, non-crisis support and discussion.” In honor of this milestone, the Peer Support Core has released its 2020-2021 Annual Report, which highlights the impact made on mental health and wellness.

Partner resistance affects contraceptive use in Kenya

September 21, 2021
The resistance that male partners may have toward contraceptive use contributes to barriers in access for women and birthing people seeking family planning resources in Western Kenya.

Students build community ties during inaugural Gillings Day of Service

September 3, 2021
To give incoming students an opportunity to make a public health impact in the local community, the Student Government Association at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health recently launched its first Day of Service.

New study gives insight into how often COVID-19 spreads through households

August 30, 2021
The study reports on how frequently COVID-19 spreads to other people living in the same household as someone diagnosed with the illness. The researchers emphasize that having many people living in one household is a major factor in infection risk, which disproportionately affects communities of color.

Firearm use is more prevalent than thought in intimate partner violence

August 27, 2021
In North Carolina, firearm use in incidents of intimate partner violence is much higher than previously thought, even in non-fatal reports.

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